The Moderate Dems and Mayor Pete

From an outsider’s perspective, it looks as though Joe Biden will not be able to sustain a lead far enough into next year to sustain momentum.  Obviously, a vacuum would be created in the moderate wing of the Democratic Party if he were to drop out.  Proceeding from there leaves us to speculate on who will take his place.

Two possibilities:

First, someone will emerge from within the group of announced candidates.  This is difficult because none present as moderate as Biden; in fact, he has been forced to move so far left that he looks agonizingly uncomfortable when he tries to pass off as authentic.  He does not seem to have a clear grasp of the left agenda, which is much more important to his campaign than him actually believing his rhetoric.

HOWEVER…watch out for Mayor Pete.

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Debate preview.

Looking forward to this week’s Democratic debates.  It should be a contest to see which candidate can promise the most, to the most.  It may become difficult to keep all of the promises and their corresponding promises straight.

It could become a bit frightening if promises start to cause candidates to increase in popularity — then there may be no end to them.