The hubbub over Baltimore.

It seems that for some time now, pundits have been talking and writing about the deplorable conditions in some of our biggest cities.  But not until now has a president weighed in.  This, as it turns out, is an unpardonable sin.  Why?

Because when anyone but the President mentioned it, the mainstream media was free to ignore.  Now, the President has placed it front and center before the American people and the MSM have two choices:

  1. Address the problem.
  2. Accuse the President of racism for having mentioned it.

No one is mentioning…

Bob Mueller’s testimony has been delayed.  Republicans are anxious to ask this question:

“When did you first realize there was no collusion?”

Sadly, his answer will probably be, “I don’t KNOW that he did not collude with Russia, I simply can’t prove that he did collude.”  This would be a dreadful soundbite for Trump and a power ‘bite for any Democrat’s campaign.