The “peaceful” protests and the future of America.

Over the past few weeks, protests have escalated into violence in several American cities. The protesters and their protests, we are told, are peaceful. We are cautioned by local officials not to overreact to the scattered and inconsequential violence. When they are referring to the violence, they are not talking about vandalism and looting. This is a part of the “peaceful” side.

As we watch (and how can we avoid watching?), we see windows broken, property destroyed and theft in the form of looting all over. Some of us are again shocked by these actions.

The first time we witnessed anything surprising was at the onset of COVID-19 when our neighbors began to hoard toilet paper and several other grocery items. This was all, of course, legal, but nonetheless how many were taken aback by the window it provided into the character of those we live around?

Now we’ve seen unprovoked attacks on the homeless, the elderly, and on unsuspecting pedestrians. Some attacks are so violent that they can’t help but evoke powerful feelings within those of us who are still in possession of our sense of fairness and respect for law and order.

Where will all of this lead?

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The rule of law and the path of least resistance.

One of the pillars of Western society, for perhaps the last seven hundred years, has been the rule of law. Economists of all persuasions agree that it has been a crucial element in the development and dominance of the West.

That the rule of law has been disparately applied throughout history is obvious. It has always been, however, a bulwark on which citizens depended. Careers, investments, education, even where to live have been decisions citizens made with a heavy reliance on the rule of law.

Recent events in the United States are alarming to those that have made these kinds of decisions. It should not have been unexpected.

Crowds of protesters-turned-rioters have caused millions of dollars of destruction in cities all over the country. Most of it while police stood by and watched.

Small business owners that had an expectation that local authorities would protect life and property have watched – sometimes in disbelief — as mayors have praised the “protesters.”

Some local authorities have warned their citizens not to take the law into their own hands. In other words, don’t try to protect your own property, just vacate for now and clean up the mess later.

America gets the government it deserves. Over the past forty years, the governments of large cities (and several states) have become bureaucracies that stand for nothing except their own sustenance. This is to be expected because organizations exist for themselves and governments are no different.

In times of crisis, the authorities find it easy to disregard any calls of duty and digress to the path of least resistance. Not surprisingly, this path most often favors the offenders at the expense of the offended.

Over the last half century, America has progressed in technology while it has regressed as a society. While people enjoy their creature comforts their propensity is too often to neglect education, morality, propriety, cordiality and much more. As America becomes more and more partitioned, life in society becomes unstable. Instability is bad for society in general and good for the fringe.

In science, unstable compounds take the path resistance. Sometimes the result is an explosion. When governments take the path of least resistance, a societal explosion can result.

America is inching toward a place where she desperately does not want to go.

More on this later…

What’s really going on with these riots?

After having watched the protests the last few days, it is difficult to understand how those that did not participate could come out of it all as anything but cynical. There are those, I suppose, that will believe the best way to get what one wants is to riot, or that somehow what happened to Mr. Floyd justifies the violence.

It is interesting that those that are destroying real estate are being careful as to not damage the booty the loot from inside. Which do they intend as the tribute to Mr. Floyd, the destruction or the theft?

There are no spokesmen. There are, however, many excusers. Most television networks are trying to commend the protesters and filter them from the denunciations directed toward the rioters. Some parents have chosen to bring along their children in order to allow them to share in the “experience.” Some children have “experienced” the feeling of pepper spray in their eyes. But I suppose they, at least, will be able to say, “I was there.”

Perhaps it is unrealistic to assume that after one evening of protest turned ugly, the true protesters elect to intermit — if only for a while.

It is difficult in any downtown area to simply stumble across large blocks of concrete (to break windows) or bottles full of gasoline (to burn buildings down). The destruction was not spontaneous – any more than the raid on the Consulate in Benghazi.

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerate into a racket.”
– Eric Hoffer (1898-1983)

“Some go straight from movement to racket.”
– The Cynic