I’m still a cynic — and you should be, by now.

Perhaps the absence of the Cynic was unwise given the events of the last sixty days; however, there could be no more potent recruiting for the forces of cynicism than those events.

The Cynic observes sometime ago that Fox News and CNN/MSNBC could not both be correct. Their reporting of Trump-Russia collusion was diametrically opposed. As a consequence, those watching one network will have been watching the truth whereas those watching the other will have come away totally misinformed (it was not possible for both to be correct or for both to be incorrect).

It appears that Fox News had the story correct (at least somewhat) and CNN/MSNBC (along with the other major networks) were anxiously and enthusiastically wrong.

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No one is mentioning…

Bob Mueller’s testimony has been delayed.  Republicans are anxious to ask this question:

“When did you first realize there was no collusion?”

Sadly, his answer will probably be, “I don’t KNOW that he did not collude with Russia, I simply can’t prove that he did collude.”  This would be a dreadful soundbite for Trump and a power ‘bite for any Democrat’s campaign.

Google and Facebook? Trying to influence the elections!?!

From Breitbart:

A Google insider who spoke anonymously to Project Veritas claims the company is devoted to preventing anything like the 2016 election of Donald Trump from happening again.

The insider who spoke to Project Veritas also drew attention to the covert suppression of non-progressive voices on YouTube, a Google-owned platform, said that stopping President Donald Trump and other politicians like Trump has become a priority for the tech giant.

Project Veritas also obtained undercover footage revealing yet another Google executive declaring the company’s intention to intervene in its products to stop Trump in 2020. “Responsible innovation” head Jen Gennai was recorded stating that Google shouldn’t be broken up because smaller companies couldn’t prevent “another Trump situation.”

Really, though, shouldn’t we be surprised if they didn’t?

Throw in Twitter and Instagram and now it seems believable — even though they all deny it.