I’m still a cynic — and you should be, by now.

Perhaps the absence of the Cynic was unwise given the events of the last sixty days; however, there could be no more potent recruiting for the forces of cynicism than those events.

The Cynic observes sometime ago that Fox News and CNN/MSNBC could not both be correct. Their reporting of Trump-Russia collusion was diametrically opposed. As a consequence, those watching one network will have been watching the truth whereas those watching the other will have come away totally misinformed (it was not possible for both to be correct or for both to be incorrect).

It appears that Fox News had the story correct (at least somewhat) and CNN/MSNBC (along with the other major networks) were anxiously and enthusiastically wrong.

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They say Millennials are “cutting the cord.” I wonder why?

Rush Limbaugh is by far the best talk show host on radio. However, if you listen to the last half hour of his show, you will be listening to 25 minutes of commercials.

Most talk radio hosts have no problem pushing their sponsors’ products for several minutes during their programs, sometimes coming out of a five-minute ad to deliver another five-minute ad.

Speaking of ads…

Fox and Friends is impossible to watch. They won’t engage a guest for long because the need to go to commercial.

I could expect to hear the following on Fox and Friends:


“Just coming across the wire…. NORAD has issued an alert to all news agencies. Three minutes ago, Russia launched a major portion of its ICBMs at major cities across the US. According to the alert, 45 American cities have been targeted and we’ll be sure to tell you the names of those cities — when we come back!”