Is hydroxychloroquine a “game changer”? We don’t know — and that’s about all we do know.

The real proof that the Cynic is more often than not correct can be seen in the coverage and treatment of COVID-19.

This has been astounding to watch — even for the Cynic — although not unexpected. When the virus arrived, we were being told by the authorities (surgeon general) not to wear masks. Now masks are mandatory in several places across the United States.

Very early on, President Trump hailed hydroxychloroquine as a potential “game-changer.” The non-Fox media immediately admonished him as irresponsible and dangerous. Clinical trials were begun. Those trials that were positive were critiqued as not controlled while those that were negative were quickly and repeatedly broadcast as proof positive of the President’s irresponsibility.

Some states even went so far as to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine as treatment of COVID-19. Never mind that the drug has been in use for over sixty years. Never mind that tens of millions of doses have been dispensed. Never mind that the drug has been deemed safe for pregnant women. It was more important to protect the citizenry, especially if doing so would embarrass President Trump.

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I’m still a cynic — and you should be, by now.

Perhaps the absence of the Cynic was unwise given the events of the last sixty days; however, there could be no more potent recruiting for the forces of cynicism than those events.

The Cynic observes sometime ago that Fox News and CNN/MSNBC could not both be correct. Their reporting of Trump-Russia collusion was diametrically opposed. As a consequence, those watching one network will have been watching the truth whereas those watching the other will have come away totally misinformed (it was not possible for both to be correct or for both to be incorrect).

It appears that Fox News had the story correct (at least somewhat) and CNN/MSNBC (along with the other major networks) were anxiously and enthusiastically wrong.

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Trump’s impeachment strategy (and its possible consequences).

The Cynic has not opined about impeachment for one reason: it seemed like an open-and-shut case — in the president’s favor.

The president asked Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. The Democrats contend that the request was for the express purpose of securing info on Joe Biden to, in turn, rig the 2020 election. The trigger for the entire House of Representatives investigation was the assertion that the president withheld, or threatened to withhold, aid to Ukraine until such an investigation was commenced.

The president then released a transcript of his conversation which he claims exonerates him. The Democrats, MSNBC (Chris Matthews) and CNN (Jeffrey Toobin) insist, on the other hand, that the transcript condemns the president.

So, after a hurried investigation, the Dems in the House voted two articles of impeachment: obstruction of Congress (really?) and abuse of power.

The Republicans keep yelling for anyone who will listen that the aid was in fact delivered to Ukraine in spite of the conversation, or in American vernacular, “no harm, no foul.”

But this argument by the Republicans seems shallow. It encourages the dismissal of the articles without addressing the alleged transgression. The president’s request to Zelensky to investigate continues to dangle untouched, for any of Trump’s opponents or enemies to point to as evidence of the president’s unfitness to hold the world’s highest office.

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The hubbub over Baltimore.

It seems that for some time now, pundits have been talking and writing about the deplorable conditions in some of our biggest cities.  But not until now has a president weighed in.  This, as it turns out, is an unpardonable sin.  Why?

Because when anyone but the President mentioned it, the mainstream media was free to ignore.  Now, the President has placed it front and center before the American people and the MSM have two choices:

  1. Address the problem.
  2. Accuse the President of racism for having mentioned it.

No one is mentioning…

Bob Mueller’s testimony has been delayed.  Republicans are anxious to ask this question:

“When did you first realize there was no collusion?”

Sadly, his answer will probably be, “I don’t KNOW that he did not collude with Russia, I simply can’t prove that he did collude.”  This would be a dreadful soundbite for Trump and a power ‘bite for any Democrat’s campaign.

On the upcoming Stephanopoulos interview…

How many Republicans — how many Trumps supporters and advocates — were alarmed when they learned that the president agreed to a thirty-hour interview with George Stephanopoulos?

Remember, a gaffe by a Republican echoes in the canyons of the media indefinitely, whereas a gaffe by a Democrat whispers into the ether of empty space, never to be heard again.

If the president wants to ensure his defeat in 2020, he should continue to grant up-close-and-personal access to his adversaries in the mainstream media.